An Actor's LibraryDavid Garrick, Book Collecting, and Literary Friendships
by Nicholas D. Smith
7 x 10 inches, cloth, dust jacket, 368 pages (Oak Knoll Press, 2017).
Book collecting was no fringe leisure interest for Garrick; it was a lifelong preoccupation. He assembled a general library of over 3,000 volumes and a renowned dramatic library of ca. 1,300 old plays, the latter bequeathed to the British Museum in 1779. Garrick extended liberal access and borrowing privileges to friends and acquaintances such as Samuel Johnson, Charles Burney, Thomas Percy, George Steevens and Thomas Warton.
“The book is a lovely production."
— Millicent Weber, Script & Print
"Splendidly designed."
— William Baker, The Year's Work in English Studies